What is Specific Learning Difficulty (SPLD)?

An SpLD can be described as an anomaly in an individual’s profile which has a detrimental effect on aspects of academic progress. They occur across the range of intellectual abilities. There may be difference in how the person learns new skills and their difficulties may vary in presentation depending on environmental demands, life experiences and the support provided.

SpLD Dyslexia

“Dyslexia is a learning difficulty that primarily affects the skills involved in accurate and fluent word reading and spelling.  Characteristic features of dyslexia are difficulties in phonological awareness, verbal memory, and verbal processing speed.  Dyslexia occurs across a range of intellectual abilities.  It is best thought of as a continuum and not as a distinct category and there are no clear cut-off points.  Co-occurring difficulties may be seen in aspects of language, motor co-ordination, mental calculation, concentration and personal organization, but they are not, by themselves, markers of dyslexia”

Identifying and Teaching Children and Young People with Dyslexia and Literacy Difficulties – Sir Jim Rose (2009)

Although it may not always be possible to assign a name, if a SpLD exists it can be described in terms of the pattern of the profile identified and appropriate recommendations for support can be provided.