Dearne Valley Dyslexia can offer diagnostic assessments as well as a range of other services designed to help those with dyslexia and related conditions
Our key services
Full Diagnostic Assessments – £495
Carried out by Dr Kate Wrennall, this testing will confirm the diagnosis of a specific learning difficulty such as dyslexia or give possible explanations for literacy difficulties. A detailed report outlining the results and appropriate recommendations is provided. This testing and report is recognised by universities and can be used for DSA applications in students Post 16.
Please note, a deposit of £195 is required at the time of booking.
Exam Access Arrangements Testing – from £65
JCQ regulations state that this testing must only be conducted by appropriately qualified specialists. Dearne Valley Dyslexia employs appropriately qualified specialists with the necessary experience, qualifications and professional registrations to conduct examination access arrangements. We will detail outcomes within appropriate paperwork and relevant sections of the Form 8
Specialist Teaching / Private Tuition
A consultation session will be required prior to the commencement of Specialist Teaching, this is to obtain a current academic baseline and to set individualised targets. (Price £80)
- Specialist Teaching of literacy and/or numeracy teaching and other learning support will be provided on a one to one basis and for one hour per week. (Price £40 per hour)